Recruitment Partner Consultant bij Van Storm
Tasks: design and integrate structural solutions for custom superyachts
Projects: custom-made mega yachts +80m
Company: engineering office with state-of-the-art building facilities
Main requirements: +5 years of management experience in shipbuilding design and engineering
As a Project Engineer Structural, you’ll play a pivotal role in multidisciplinary project teams, contributing to the structural, mechanical, and naval architecture aspects of luxury yacht design. You will be responsible for coordinating the project and supervising the Structural Engineer(s) on the work floor. You will ensure that all information and technical specifications are correctly processed and communicated clearly. You will coordinate the technical assessment, starting from concept design up to and including the final design, in close consultation with the other disciplines and external parties.
Almost every vessel is born surrounded by 3 key elements. The client, the designer, and a blank piece of paper. If you ever dreamt about taking part in this beautiful process, this is the perfect place for you!
Our client is an international bureau specializing in the design, engineering, research & development of luxury custom-built motor superyachts. The exceptional quality of their products comes from the way of working together and sharing knowledge on a daily basis.
Belangrijk: Pas op voor oplichters!
(Laatst bijgewerkt: oktober 2023)
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Johan van Hasseltweg 10 B
1022 WV Amsterdam